Expert Machine My A$$

In January 2024, we hauled a load for Expert Machine for which we charged and they agreed to pay $2,900. After the failed initial payment failed, I went to their shop and was handed a check for the full amount but was asked not to cash it for a few days. We waited a few days and deposited the check. The check was declined as "Stop Payment.  A week later we were promised a delivery of another check. This was followed with an excuse.

Next we were promised another check, this failed as EM claimed a power outage that prohibited their issuing a check. (The outage was real) but they could have paid us the owed $2,900.

5/16/2024, I went to their shop and met the owner Jeff Novak. Jeff began with endless excuses including, pointing to a machine and claiming that the machine was..., then claiming that he had problems with their bank not clearing one of their checks then going into  a transformer that had been hit by a pickup truck. (Honestly, I was thinking WTF are you talking about and WTF does that have to do with my payment.) 

In truth, Jeff received a payment exceeding $30,000 for the delivery of the machine that we hauled and should have paid us from those funds.
I stopped Jeff and stated that I was simply their to collect the owed $2,900. Jeff seemed offended that I did not want to listen to his tales of failed payment and stated that he'd get his attorneys phone number for me. 
When Jeff returned, he handed me a piece of paper with AN attorney that had represented him in the past.

I asked Jeff when I could expect payment. Jeff said that he wasn't going to pay me and that I could sue him which would tie this up for a year. (The words rolled off of his tongue as if this was a regular way of doing business with Trucking companies.)

I was not happy with this response and told Jeff that this was not acceptable and that he was a bum among other things. Jeff called the police. 

As I left, I saw a police officer and pulled into a nearby 7-11. The officer listed to my conversation with EM and determined that I was there to collect a payment that was rightfully owed to me.
The officer asked me and stated that Jeff claimed that I threatened to KILL him. I told the officer that I'd recorded the incident using the voice recorder on my phone and that I did not threaten to kill or physically harm anyone. (I really did record the exchange)

I am sorry that we ever did any business with Jeff Novak and Expert Machine of Roseville.

JEFF NOVAK, you owe us $2,900 and UNFORTUNATELY for you, I will NOT write this off. We are not in the business of writing of transactions.

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(586) 296-2250